You are Being Summoned for Duty

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Hey friend,

I know it’s been a while since I’ve been in your inbox. I’m not even going to deny the awkwardness of this moment. Nevertheless, I have missed writing and sharing my heart with you. I hope you’ll forgive me for disappearing.

So much has changed since our last encounter, and sooner than later I’ll get around to sharing that story.

But for now, I really wanted to check on you and see how you’re enduring this year of interruption. It’s been a lot to take in, hasn’t it? I wouldn’t blame you if you were already over this year.

I keep hearing the phrase cancel 2020, and I can’t help but cringe at the thought of letting these next 5 or so months float by while waiting for the new year.

I want you to realize that God specializes in interruptions. That is His sweet spot.

Think about the story of Mary. Mary was in the middle of planning a wedding, picking out dresses, and filling out invitations. Then out of the blue, her plans were interrupted by an unexpected encounter with an angel carrying some heavy news.

That encounter led to a pregnancy that wasn’t on her calendar. This interruption almost cost her her soon to be marriage. It also smeared her reputation. I’m sure Mary was wondering, what in the world is going on God?!

 But soon after, she gave birth, and that birth led to something we still rejoice and celebrate today.

So, friend today I want to ask you, is the Lord speaking to you about birthing something that could change the world forever?

In the midst of what the world sees as a pandemic, I see possibilities everywhere. I see interruptions as divine appointments and if you will lean into God like never before, I believe you will truly discover why you’re still here.

At this particular time in history.

You were created to birth and bring fourth life in whatever sphere you find yourself in. That dream doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.

That dream doesn’t have to appear big and grand. It could simply be pouring into you children and showing the love of Christ everywhere you go. That may seem small, but raising a child is one of the most sacred responsibilities one can have.

And the possibilities are endless from what could happen through the life of your child.

No matter what God sized dream you’re dreaming of, just know that your dream matters.

You matter.

And nothing that has happened in 2020 has caught God by surprise. That’s where I draw my comfort from.

God has a lot to say right now, about you, your dream, your life, and the events going on around you.

But you’re not going to hear him where there is lots of noise.

So, while everyone else is scrolling, googling, listening to the news, finding new ways to use the word entanglement (giggle), and just trying to get by...I need you purposefully focusing on the next half of the year. Praying about your next steps and waiting in anticipation for an encounter with God.

Friend, you are Mary. Without Mary, there would be no Jesus. She was the only girl for the job. And the Lord is looking for the modern day Mary’s to stand up and give birth to something the world desperately needs.

And you are the only girl for the job.

It’s time for you to report for duty. We’re all waiting on you.

Until next time my friend!