Your Word For 2021

Hi Friend,

I pray you had a Merry Christmas, even if it looked a little different than the previous years. I know 2020 has been unlike any other year, but I also know that this year hasn’t been all bad.

God is faithful, even when our circumstances seem to contradict this truth.

With so much loss, pain, and heartache going on around the country and the world, it may be a struggle to even think about what the New Year will bring. If that is you, I pray that this love letter brings some much-needed light to your day.

As I was lying down for bed a few nights ago, these words started playing over and over in my mind; 

“A crown of beauty instead of ashes. 
The oil of joy instead of mourning.
And a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.”

I picked up my phone, opened my bible app, and pulled up Isaiah 61, where this verse is found, and this entire passage in Isaiah blessed my socks off. 

Last year around this time, many people said that the new year would be the year of 2020 vision (how clever, eh).

And while I do believe this year has personally brought me clarity and sharpened my vision, I don’t think any of us were intending a pandemic to be the catalyst for this said clarity.

I never bought into this word fully because I didn’t personally hear God on this.

But this year is different.

You see, when I opened my bible a few nights ago to Isaiah 61, the subtitle of this passage read; 

“The Year of the Lord’s Favor!”

Let’s just say I didn’t go to sleep right away, as I got chills and became excited at what the New Year will bring. I’m always in awe when God speaks in a way that I can’t dismiss.

You see, I didn’t have time to question whether this was a coincidence or not. I simply got into an agreement with the word of God and started declaring that favor will be my reward and inheritance in 2021 and beyond.

Friend. this word is not just for me. It’s for you too. If you will simply agree with God and not with the world, the news, your feelings, or your emotions, I believe you will see the favor of God in every situation you invite Him into. 

So, I hope you will agree with God! Even if it’s hard to get your hopes up AGAIN.

If your answer is yes, I need you to understand what you have agreed to. God’s favor (aka grace) simply means God is giving you the ability to do something which is humanly impossible for you to do.
Friend, I believe that this New Year is going to be the year where God does what has seemed impossible for you to do.

Get excited, stay excited, and get ready to see the favor of God all year long.
Lastly, I encourage you to read the entire passage of Isaiah 61. I have been reading this over and over because it is that good, and I hope you’ll do the same. That’s how you get to build your faith muscle (Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God). 

Happy New Year, my friend,

You are Being Summoned for Duty

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Hey friend,

I know it’s been a while since I’ve been in your inbox. I’m not even going to deny the awkwardness of this moment. Nevertheless, I have missed writing and sharing my heart with you. I hope you’ll forgive me for disappearing.

So much has changed since our last encounter, and sooner than later I’ll get around to sharing that story.

But for now, I really wanted to check on you and see how you’re enduring this year of interruption. It’s been a lot to take in, hasn’t it? I wouldn’t blame you if you were already over this year.

I keep hearing the phrase cancel 2020, and I can’t help but cringe at the thought of letting these next 5 or so months float by while waiting for the new year.

I want you to realize that God specializes in interruptions. That is His sweet spot.

Think about the story of Mary. Mary was in the middle of planning a wedding, picking out dresses, and filling out invitations. Then out of the blue, her plans were interrupted by an unexpected encounter with an angel carrying some heavy news.

That encounter led to a pregnancy that wasn’t on her calendar. This interruption almost cost her her soon to be marriage. It also smeared her reputation. I’m sure Mary was wondering, what in the world is going on God?!

 But soon after, she gave birth, and that birth led to something we still rejoice and celebrate today.

So, friend today I want to ask you, is the Lord speaking to you about birthing something that could change the world forever?

In the midst of what the world sees as a pandemic, I see possibilities everywhere. I see interruptions as divine appointments and if you will lean into God like never before, I believe you will truly discover why you’re still here.

At this particular time in history.

You were created to birth and bring fourth life in whatever sphere you find yourself in. That dream doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else.

That dream doesn’t have to appear big and grand. It could simply be pouring into you children and showing the love of Christ everywhere you go. That may seem small, but raising a child is one of the most sacred responsibilities one can have.

And the possibilities are endless from what could happen through the life of your child.

No matter what God sized dream you’re dreaming of, just know that your dream matters.

You matter.

And nothing that has happened in 2020 has caught God by surprise. That’s where I draw my comfort from.

God has a lot to say right now, about you, your dream, your life, and the events going on around you.

But you’re not going to hear him where there is lots of noise.

So, while everyone else is scrolling, googling, listening to the news, finding new ways to use the word entanglement (giggle), and just trying to get by...I need you purposefully focusing on the next half of the year. Praying about your next steps and waiting in anticipation for an encounter with God.

Friend, you are Mary. Without Mary, there would be no Jesus. She was the only girl for the job. And the Lord is looking for the modern day Mary’s to stand up and give birth to something the world desperately needs.

And you are the only girl for the job.

It’s time for you to report for duty. We’re all waiting on you.

Until next time my friend!

Don't Do This (Part II)

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Hey Friend,

Last week we talked about, complaining, the first culprit of a "deadly trio" that could potentially keep you from reaching your dreams and goals.

Using the Israelites, we learned what not to do when in a wilderness season. And we discussed how this was one of the reasons why they never reached their promised land.

Today I want to talk about the second culprit in this deadly trio that can keep you stuck in a holding pattern. What is the second thing you shouldn't do when life seems unfair...?


I want to approach comparing in two different ways. 

The first way is what you most likely thought of as soon as you read the word comparing. Because it has become so hard not to compare our lives in the age of social media.

We literally have access into the lives of hundreds, and even thousands of people at our fingertips. And let me tell ya' everybody ain't posting the real details of their life (excuse the incorrect English 😊).

To be clear, I'm a big fan of social media. There are so many positive connections and things I've been able to do through this platform. But if we're not careful, social media can bring about a lot of not so positive emotions. And the enemy can really use it as an tool to steal your happiness and even kill your purpose.

Because comparison really is the thief of joy.

Comparison kills your confidence and clarity.

Comparison is robbing so many gifted and creative individuals of their uniqueness. I can see the enemy and his little demon friends rejoicing and celebrating over the fact that so many gifted men and women are forfeiting their God-given destinies to be a carbon copy of someone they admire from up close or afar.

So, knowing this . . . are you confused about your purpose?

Have you been guilty of looking at the gifts of other people, and then somehow becoming dissatisfied with your gifts?

Have you ever been content with your portion, until you saw someone with more, and slowly started to become discontent with the current season you were in?

If so, you are not alone. So many bible believing Christians are falling into this trap. I'm here to tell you that this is a direct assassination attempt on your purpose. I say this because God will never help you to become who you want to be. He is only obligated to help you become who He created you to be.

I love how this scripture in the message version puts it…

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. (Galatians 6: 4-5, MSG)

So, the next time you're tempted to stare and compare…Don't do it! Sink yourself into YOUR work.

Ask God to show you who you are and to reveal His divine plan for you.

Trust me, you want God's plan. It will be better than anything you could ever dream up.

The second way I want to approach this is by continuing our example of the Israelites. Not only do we compare our lives to each other, but we also compare our right now, to our past.

Especially when our present-day reality is disappointing and not what we expected. We often go back and make an idol of our past.

"The good ole days."

We begin to have unhealthy nostalgia where we long to go back to a time when life may have been more predictable, more stable, and more enjoyable.

The Israelites did this often. They questioned why God freed them from bondage only to lead them to die. In Exodus chapter 16 they are complaining AGAIN and longing for the past. 

The Israelites said to them [Moses and Aaron], "If only we had died by the Lord's hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death." (Exodus 16: 3, New International Version)

Man, Moses had a time with these here people (lol)! Have you ever met someone who was never satisfied?

Well before we start shaking our heads at them, we must examine our own hearts. The Israelites must have gotten a severe case of amnesia, because although they had plenty to eat in Egypt, they must have forgotten that they were slaves, under harsh treatment. To the point where they begged and cried out to God to save them.

And now that they are free and on the way to the promise, they are wishing to go back to a time and a place that made them miserable. All because they had to go through a process to get to the promise.

Friend, I pray we all can all learn from their folly and grasp this concept… life isn't going to be easy. The road to increasing will often look like you're declining. But this is not the time to compare your today with yesterday.

Their complaining and comparing were two obstacles the enemy used to abort their destiny.

You also have an enemy who wants to abort your destiny. An enemy who wants you to stay small, stuck, and fixated on the past. But you also have the Lord on your side who wants to see you grow, stretch, and go where He is calling you.

Friend, no matter how hard it seems . . . put your hand to the plow, and don't look back.


Next week we will talk about the last culprit of this deadly trio.

Until then I would love to hear your thoughts on this series. Has the Lord spoken to you through this series? I'd love to know. Leave a comment and let me know!

Don't Do This (Part I)

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"This is not the way I thought my life would turn out! Nothing seems to be working out. I’m just really disappointed at my life and how it has turned out.”

I nodded my head in agreement as I listened to my coaching client release her raw, unfiltered truth.

I nod in agreement because I've been there many times and sometimes I still dwell in that muddy land of disappointment. And I’m willing to bet that my client and I aren’t alone in this.

A lot of us wear disappointment like an unwanted accessory that tends to make its way into our everyday wardrobe. And if we're not careful, our everyday conversation topics are centered around this one item we wear daily.

When our experiences don't live up to our expectations, disappointment can set in, and if not dealt with properly, disappointment can turn into depression.

And we begin to unpack our bags - along with our hopes and dreams - and make our bed in the land of defeat.

The land of "what's the point."

The land of "maybe this is as good as it gets."

The land of jealousy and comparison where everybody else life seems to be everything ours is not.

I've done enough coaching at this point to realize that this isn't just an isolated issue, but something so prevalent, I'll be remised to ignore and not address.

If you could be brutally honest, just as my coaching client, you would most likely admit that you're tired.


And most likely depressed most days.

Life has taken the song out of your heart and the pep out of your step.

I know how you feel, Friend.

I know just how unfair and disappointing life and people can be at times.

The struggle truly is real, but so is our God!

One of the tried and true tired lies of the enemy is to get you to believe that things will never change. That your best days are behind you and that you will never experience true joy and satisfaction in this life.

But I'm here to tell you that not only is that a lie, but it's a trap to get you to start doing three things that will keep you a wilderness season and prevent you from reaching your promise land.

Because when you're tired, you begin to let your guard down, and what was meant to be only a season of growth, turns into a lifetime of disappointment.

Friend, no matter how discouraging and depressing your life seems to be, three things will keep you in that land of defeat, snuffing out any attempt you make to move forward.

Stay away from these three things the same way you'd run away from a burning building.

Let's discuss the first part of this "deadly trio."

Complaining is a sin (ouch! I know this is a hard pill to swallow), however, it is one of those tolerated sins, that we tend to brush off in the name of "venting, and being human."

But, if we knew the consequences of complaining, I believe we would be more mindful of turning our complaints into gratitude.

Let’s look at this verse in Philippians:

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. (Philippians 2:14-15).

There is one main group of people in the bible who are definitely not known as being bright lights.

In fact, this group of people are still known to this day as complainers.

Yep, you guessed it!

The Israelites!

We can learn a lot from them. They are the poster children for what not to do when life seems unfair.

God gave them a promise, and then they went through a process to get to the promise. But they complained the ENTIRE time.


We may think it's not a big deal to complain, however, if we look at the history of the Israelites, we see that they never reached the promised land (only the newer generation did- their parents died before ever seeing the promise).

They couldn’t access the promise due to several factors, one being they were ungrateful and full of complaints.

Let that sink in a minute… your complaining shows God that you aren't ready to handle the promise.

Because each season will carry its own set of challenges, and your complaining with your "little" indicates that you won't be able to handle "more."

Friend, don't allow your heart to stay in a perpetual state of ungratefulness. Don't allow the enemy to whisper lies about how hard your life is, and how things will never change.

Don't allow him to get you to start overlooking and dismissing what God has done and is doing, to only focus on your present reality.

I encourage you to start cultivating a heart of thankfulness, and that will get you one step closer to your promise.

A wise preacher once said, "complain and remain, or praise and be raised!"

Friend, it's your choice.

On the next blog we will discuss the second part of this deadly trio that will keep you from the promise.

Until then,


Three things you aren't doing that could be hindering your prayers.

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Hey friend,

I have always been an empathetic person. Being empathetic has been both a blessing and a curse. You may, or may not, be able to relate, but if you can you know exactly what I mean.

Everyday things such as scrolling through Facebook, watching television, talking with a friend going through hard times, or simply walking downtown and seeing so many homeless people, can easily trigger heavy emotions. Those emotions will often lead to prayer sessions, or going above that and offering to help tangibly.

At one point my empathetic nature began to interrupt my life. I had a hard time not taking on other people’s emotions. I’ve gotten much better, but there are still times where I have to shake those feelings off, and realize that I can help when I’m led, but I don’t have to take on another person’s emotional state.

One thing that I have been noticing, repeatedly, is that so many people are desperate for a move of God.

So many people are on their last leg and don't know how much longer they can believe that God is a God who still answers prayer.

You may be one those people who has been praying about the same thing for weeks, months, or even years, and you're wondering where God is.

You see other people getting blessed and you can't help but feel forgotten, discouraged, and depressed.

I was recently watching a church service on periscope and on one part of the broadcast, the preacher was talking about the promises of God and the power of prayer. If you aren't familiar with periscope, you can leave comments and read the comments of those who are also watching the broadcast.

There were hundreds of people watching the service along with me and comments were flashing by rather quickly. However, one comment caught my attention.

One viewer wrote that she had been praying for healing for years, and she still wasn’t healed. I could feel her desperation. I decided to reply to her comment and give her some biblical advice. I simply said, “now it’s time to start declaring and decreeing," and she replied back “how do I do that?”

I realized in that moment that declaring and decreeing was a foreign concept for so many people, and so, I offered to send her a resource I had just finished working on as a bonus for my course, Increase & Flourish.

Friend, Perhaps you may be feeling the same way.

You’ve been praying the same prayer for a long time, with no manifestation of that prayer in sight.

Your faith is growing faint and you question whether your prayers are falling on death ears.

I must say there are many different reasons why your prayers may not have been answered yet --  one of those reasons may simply be that it’s just not time yet.

However, sometimes time isn’t the issue.

The hindrance may be in what you aren’t doing (or saying) in addition to your prayers.

Here are three important elements to make sure you are including along with your prayers.

To help keep things simple and easy to remember, each element starts with the letter P.

The first P is to…

1.     Pray God’s will to be done:

When you pray, ask according to God's will using the example from The Lord's prayer, “Thy will be done.” Praying this way ensures that God hears your prayer.”

“This is the confidence we have in God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14, New International Version).

You may be asking, how do I know what God’s will is? And the answer is you can find out God’s will by reading His word. If it’s in His word, it is a promise for you that you can grab ahold of.


Which leads me to the second P. After you have prayed for God’s will to be done the scripture says he heard you. Now it’s time to…


2.     Plead your case:

Find a promise in the bible based on what you are praying for and bring that word before the court of heaven and begin to plead your case. The word of God is the law and you have legal access to every promise written in the book of law if you are in right standing with God.

“Put me in remembrance [remind Me of your merits]; let us plead and argue together. Set fourth your case, that you may be justified (proved right). (Isaiah 43:26, Amplified Bible)

Once you understand this principle you realize your authority to bring the law before the judge (God) and plead your case. God’s word will not return to Him void, so attach a scripture that pertains to your specific prayer request, and watch God perform His word over your situation as you begin to speak that scripture with authority.

Once you know your legal rights, next…


3.     Put a praise on it: 

We learned that God heard you the first time you prayed. He already intends to answer your prayer in His time. What happens is we go to God in prayer and ask Him for the same thing(s) day after day, not realizing that He already heard you. Now it's time to go a step further

Praise is the missing ingredient. Praising and thanking God is the ultimate way to show your faith. It's hard to praise God for something you don't believe He will provide. Praise is your faith in action, and without faith, it is impossible to please God. Believe God and praise your way to victory.

“Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods.” (Psalm 95: 2-3, New International Version).

To recap:

-- Pray God's Will
-- Plead Your Case
-- Praise and Thank God in advance

Friend, I hope you found this helpful!

Leave a comment and let me know what you’re believing God for this year and let me know if you intend to add these three elements to your prayers (if you haven’t already)? I’d love to hear from you.