Don't Do This (Part III)

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Hi friend,

In case you haven’t been getting all the emails, we’ve been in a three-part series called, don’t do this!

So, far we’ve talked about two out of three things we shouldn’t do when we are in a wilderness season. I’ve been referring to these three culprits as the “deadly trio.”

Culprit # 1 was: Don’t complain

Culprit # 2 was: Don’t compare

Let’s get into culprit number three, shall we?

The third thing you shouldn’t do when life seems unfair and there is a painful gap between what God has promised, and what you see is . . .


Doing these three things will give the devil a doorway into your life and keep you from ever making any significant progress.

Remember we’ve been using our friends, the Israelites, as our example of what not to do in the wilderness.

How did they compromise?
They compromised by following other gods.

Let’s look at Exodus 32:1.

When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him” (Exodus 32: 1, NIV).

After all that God had done for them, their hearts were still far from Him.

As requested, Aaron gave them what they wanted by making them a golden calf and building an altar, for them to worship and praise their god (note little g). In response, God burned with anger and called them “stiff-necked people.

As I was reading this scripture, I felt the Lord saying that His people still worship idols today. Sure, our modern-day idols may not necessarily be made from gold, but we have them.

Our idols take the form of popularity, platforms, prestige, recognition, food, followers, sex, marriage, money, power. I felt the Lord saying that just as the people grew tired of waiting on Moses to come down from the mountain, His people often grow tired of waiting on Him.

In our haste and impatience, we begin to try to create and craft our own lives by striving to obtain things that inadvertently steal our worship and devotion away from Him.

Anything that steals our heart and attention away from God is an idol.

Anything that we want more than God is an idol, and we begin to compromise our faith and morals in striving to obtain that idol.

This is how Ishmaels are created because we grow tired and weary of waiting on Isaac.

Take a moment and think about any ways you have been compromising lately.

Are you single and desperately desiring to be married?

There is nothing wrong with desiring marriage.

However, if not careful, marriage can become an idol in your life that can eventually replace your worship as you begin to covet marriage more than God himself. If you’re not careful you will compromise meeting your Boaz and instead settle for Bubba (giggles).

Are you celibate and growing tired of doing the right thing because your significant other isn’t understanding your Christian morals? Are you tempted every day to compromise, because doing the right thing is running them away?

Are you trying to grow your brand or ministry, and only posting what you think will get the most likes and comments?

If so, then people’s approval has become your God. And if you’re not careful you will begin to tweak God’s original purpose for your ministry and end up with a watered-down version of God’s original plan for your ministry.

Are you at a job that you really don’t like, and you’re depressed about it?

Are you eating your stress away, one donut at a time, instead of praying for God to open the next door, then preparing and planning for that prayer to be answered?

If so, then food has become your idol, and you are compromising your health and wellbeing.

No matter what your wilderness season entails, I hope you understand that what you do during this waiting season, determines the course and length of your stay in this season.

Also remember that most of the first-generation Israelites never made it out of the wilderness.

Friend, I don’t want that to be your story.

{Picture me pulling you close, grabbing your hand and looking directly into your eyes]

I know exactly how hard and how long this season has been. I know how many nights you soak your pillow in despair wondering if anyone even cares.

I know you just want to quit.

But please hear me.

There is a but that will negate everything you’ve ever been through and that but is found in this verse in Proverbs.

It's a promise from God that you can grab ahold of, cling to, and refuse to let go of. 

But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [ it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared] (Proverbs 4:18, Amplified Version).

Your path will get lighter and clearer as you continue to walk in righteousness, and the day of your arrival to that glorious promise is already prepared.

If you’ll continue to fight and overcome the enemy of your soul, you will reach your destination right on time.

Don’t grow weary in well doing, you will reap a harvest if you don’t give up.

If you don’t complain.

If you don’t compare.

And . . . if you don’t compromise.

Keep on keeping on sis.