Re-Introduction + How I Can Serve You Better

Hi Friend,

“Everyday I prayed that God would lead me to my destiny, and everyday I had to face the reality that my life looked nothing like the dreams in my heart.”

You may or may not know that I struggled with crippling anxiety for almost a decade. During that time one of the things I was anxious about was my purpose. I knew that I was called to inspire and encourage others, but at that time I didn’t know exactly what that looked like. The lack of clarity around how to fulfill my purpose created a tension and restlessness that left me mentally depleted. When I looked at the circumstances of my life, nothing made sense. I was stuck in a professional job when I really wanted to be more creative. Whenever I tried to pursue those creative avenues, I experienced a lot of rejection. I felt alone and confused as to why God would put those dreams in my heart, but then close every door that I tried to go through. Everything seemed random. I wrestled with the distance between where I was, and where I wanted to be. Whenever I read back through my old journals most of them are filled with pleas to God for Him to make my dreams come true.

My dreams. 

In hindsight I can clearly see how the dream consumed me. It was no longer about His dream for my life, I automatically assumed that because He had given me a glimpse of my future, that I no longer needed to seek Him for the rest. I started trying to figure it out and I wore myself out when nothing was working.

You see, God was not in a hurry. I was. God politely “left” the throne because I replaced Him with the idolization of that dream. 

No matter how much I wanted to hear God back then, I couldn’t hear Him clearly. The moment I repented for making an idol out of my dream, and prayed for His will to be done, that’s when I found inner peace. I had to quiet my restless soul and find rest in Him. Soon after, I discovered another piece to the puzzle that led to greater clarity. And with more clarity, came more productivity because I was no longer restless from not knowing what to do.

You may be wondering what this has to do with you.

Well Friend, you may find yourself in that place of restlessness and confusion where you are praying for God to help you find your way. You may look over your life and see a bunch of random things that look nothing like the dreams in your heart.

If that’s you, you’re in the right place. 

As you are probably aware, I haven’t been in your inbox for a while now. I took a year-long sabbatical and paused my business to let God speak to me about what’s next for Oh So You Coaching. I didn’t set out to stay away that long, but it was necessary. 

However, I’m proud to say that I am back, with 20/20 vision.

Now I’m ready to re-introduce myself and my brand. 

I am Dr. Tiffany Pierce, Purpose and Alignment strategist at Oh So You Coaching. Everything I do falls under the umbrella of Saving, Teaching, and Reaching Souls (S.T.A.R.S)™.⭐️ One of the ways I live this mission out loud is through my coaching and consulting business at Oh So You Coaching. This is where I help women to gain clarity around their anxiety and other negative mental habits, in order to: 

  • Find inner Peace

  • Live/discover their Purpose

  • Increase their Productivity 

  • And Prosper

This is the clarity I have been seeking for a long time, and I am so eager to serve you better with this newfound revelation. I am ready to help you live a life soaked in purpose and peace, and it all starts with connecting you with the missing puzzle piece(s) that are keeping you from living your God-given purpose. I am so excited and I hope that you are too!

Before I let you go...I wanted to let you know that I will be making a big announcement really soon about a new resource that will help you if you are struggling with anxiety. And I am sharing it with you here first before I announce it anywhere else. I cannot wait to share this news with you.

So, keep an eye out for this special announcement, which will be landing in your inbox next week. Ahhhh I can hardly wait. 

I am so happy to be back. Thank you for being here.

Until next time,


P.S. If you feel like the events in your life have been random and nothing makes sense, I believe this video will encourage you to know that nothing in your life is random, and one day it will all make sense. What I didn’t understand years ago, makes a lot more sense now. I pray this video is a blessing to you.