Simply Ask!

Well Hello Friend!

I have been thinking that maybe the eighth wonder of the world is the GPS system. Being directed by GPS is without a doubt one of the great gifts of the era in which we live!

I use my navigational system religiously. Like I would be totally lost without my GPS (pun intended). I have lived in two of the biggest States in the US, and it is no exaggeration to say that It is because of my GPS that I am always able to reach my destination.

It is so convenient to be able to know for sure that I am on the right path just by plugging in an address and following the roadmap.

Wouldn’t it be great if God could just give us an address to type into a Life Navigational System? I would love to be able to program "God's will" into my GPS system, and then have step by step instructions appear that I can follow, or a map that shows me I am always on the right track.

Because let's be honest, most of us spend a lot of time wondering if we're on the right path.

Have you ever cried out to God to ask Him if you are on the right path?

I sure have.

I spent year after year pursuing the passions in my heart, but never quite reaching my desired destination. God kept closing doors left and right, and the next steps were definitely not coming up on my GPS screen. Instead of hearing “Turn left,” I kept hitting dead ends and roadblocks.

I remember reaching a point where I was completely drained and unmotivated, and I got down on my knees in my closet,  totally surrendering my will to God. I told Him that I would not move a foot until He directed me where to go.

I really meant it. I stopped moving. Only in choosing to do “nothing,” I obeyed the command to “be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

I sat in God’s presence for hours day after day. I began to surround myself with positive messages, and I kept hearing about life coaching. Then when I discovered Christian Life coaching, I grew confident that this was the field God was leading me to. I felt that I was hearing God’s voice telling me to take this completely new turn.

So I dove into researching where to train and enrolled enthusiastically in what I felt was the best Christian life coaching school for me. I loved every minute of the rigorous training. I felt like I was following God’s voice and His leading, and I was experiencing so much joy and happiness that I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real.  But as graduation from my training began to approach, I started to question my path. I wondered if I had made up my calling and not really heard God. In the midst of asking myself these questions, I stopped and prayed a small prayer, quietly uttering the words: "Lord please confirm that I am on the right path."

God heard me give a voice to my doubts about the direction my life was taking, and He graciously answered.

A few days later, I was sitting at home at my desk. For some reason, I started to mindlessly scroll through some of the photos on my computer and I came across a picture of a vision board I had created three years earlier. It was a challenge for a television show I had been involved in, one of the many projects that had come to a close and seemed at the time like another dead end in my life.

When I looked closely at the picture, I sat straight up in my chair and my eyes almost popped out of my sockets. I actually remembered putting that board together and was familiar with all the words and pictures I had chosen, except for one. In big letters on one of the pictures were the words "coaching" and "training." I did not remember choosing those words and had no idea why I would have been drawn to put them on that vision board three years earlier, as life coaching was nowhere on my radar at that point. I was an actress, fully bent on staying in the fields of arts and entertainment. But somehow, those words were there. What a beautiful gift it was to realize that when I was in the middle of making my own plans, God was creating and even revealing to me another plan He had for me.  When I saw the vision board again, I remembered that I had asked God to confirm the path I was on, and the tears started flowing as I realized that He had done just what I asked. It is a moment I will never forget. A beautiful gift from our generous God.

My friends, if you find yourself wondering if you are headed in the right direction, or if you are questioning the path in front of you, you can simply ask.

God is more faithful than any GPS system.

Ask Him if you're on the right path.

Ask him to confirm your path.

Simply Ask . Watch. Wait.

I love a good testimony. Please share a time in your life where the Lord answered a petition of your heart, whether small or big.  As always I can't wait to hear.

Love you with my whole heart.




Hearing God's Voice

Hello friends!

I’ve been thinking lately about noise. Have you noticed how very noisy the world is?

There is so much noise competing for our attention that sometimes I think what I need is for all the noise to stop. But actually not all noise is the same. Maybe instead of no noise, we just need different noise.

Here’s a story to illustrate what I mean:

One time I was at the hair salon completely enthralled in a book I was reading. I was sitting under the hair dryer, and I didn't notice anything else going on around me. I didn’t even hear anything else that was going on around me. The words on the page of my book had my total focus. When the dryer turned off I continued to read, but actually, instead of continuing the story that I had been so captured by while the dryer was on, I began to re-read the same line over and over again without actually comprehending anything.

I had become distracted by a different noise, the sound coming from a television.

I began to wonder why I was having difficulty concentrating now when just a second ago, I was totally focused. The only difference was that the dryer had stopped. None of the noises in the salon had changed, except that one of them had ceased. The dryer had been the loudest noise in my ears, and now it had stopped.

I asked myself what the difference was between the noise from the television and the dryer?  Why is one kind of noise distracting while the other is actually quite soothing? Why does one kind of noise break my focus while the other actually aids my concentration?

I think the Lord gave me an image that day of what hearing his voice is like. Keeping God’s voice in my ears is like having my head and ears covered in that hair dryer. I heard him saying to me, “Keep my voice closest.”

When we listen to God’s voice, when we know and “hear” his word, we are able to stay calm and focus on what is in front of us, regardless of all the other noise in the world.

But the moment we tune God’s voice out and turn away from God’s word, we become easily distracted by whatever is present.

As Christians who desire to be like Christ, it can be so intimidating to follow in his footsteps. Jesus never got caught up in the cares of this world. He did not rush around from one activity to the next. He kept his focus on God and on completing the work that God gave him to do on earth.

Sometimes I wonder how we are supposed to follow in Jesus’ footsteps in today’s world when at any given moment we have so many noises competing for our attention. I am so easily distracted. It doesn't take much noise before I find that I have lost a lot of time on unimportant things, even neglecting the things that matter most to me.

Recently I heard this quote about living in our world that often glorifies being very busy:

“If the enemy can't make us bad, he makes us busy.”

I relate to this so much because while I can easily turn away from the more obvious “evils” of the world, I struggle with filling up my schedule and focusing my attention on everything but God’s voice.

So I love the picture of putting on the hair dryer to hear God’s voice. And only His voice.  

Are you finding yourself distracted or unable to finish the work that you know God has given you to do?

Or are you wondering what it means to really “turn your eyes upon Jesus.”

I think part of the way we keep the noise of the hair dryer (my picture for God’s voice) in our ears is that not only do we read His word, but we hide it in our hearts.

We memorize Scripture so that when the enemy sends distractions our way, we have God’s word in our hearts to call on. Reciting verses to ourselves can be like pulling that dryer down over our ears and choosing to tune out everything but God’s voice.

Also we can cut out the noises that we know are keeping us from concentrating on what the Lord wants us to do. What’s playing on the background screen in your life? Are there small and trivial, but unworthy noises that you can eliminate so that you can better hear God’s voice?

We can choose to intentionally keep our hearts and minds on Jesus and his words.

Wouldn’t it be great if in the midst of a world that is noisy and loud, we stay unbothered and serene, focused on the task God has placed in our hands, because all we hear today is his sweet voice in our ears?

Tell me one action step you can take today, to hear God's voice more clearly over all the noises of the world?


The Seasons Are Changing. Are You?

Hello Friends!

Fall is here!

Before you know it, all those colored leaves will be on the ground turning brown and nurturing new growth. You’ll look up and see just one or two leaves hanging on for dear life to an otherwise empty branch.

As I watch the leaves changing colors and temperatures dropping (yay for digging out boots and scarves!), I have noticed that we can learn a lot from nature this time of year.

One important lesson that comes to mind is that change is inevitable.  

It’s funny how we look forward to the seasons changing, but we don't always embrace change in our own lives.

In fact most often we resist it and hold on for dear life like those last clinging leaves.

We want to avoid the unknown and the mystery that accompanies change.

But oh how exciting it is when we finally let go, let the wind rise beneath our chest and exhale as we flow into something new, embracing the mystery.

I struggle with welcoming change just like you, but I am grateful that God allows us to experience the different seasons of life literally. So as autumn settles in, notice the changes in the air around you, and consider setting aside some time for what I call a “Life Check In.”

Grab yourself something pumpkin flavored, some paper and a pen.  Let nature be your guide as you take a little extra time for yourself and walk through one or more of the following exercises.

#1: Check in with your schedule

The main feature of autumn is the shedding of leaves from deciduous trees. Deciduous means the dropping of a part that is no longer needed. The leaves are falling away because their purpose for this season of a tree’s life has been completed. Are there areas of your life that are no longer needed? Perhaps there is something that has served a purpose in your life at one time but now is draining unnecessary energy and should be let go.

  • Write out a list of things in your life that take up your time and energy. Your list could include relationships (romantic, friendships, and even family), dreams and/or visions, tasks that go on your to-do lists, hobbies or anything that keeps you busy. List anything you can think of.

  • Now look at that list and put a little “X”  by the things that leave you drained rather than motivated, by the tasks or dreams that no longer excite you. Put an “X” by the things that overwhelm you or take away from the time you have to do what really matters to you. Now put a checkmark by anything that you love or that gives you energy. If you’re excited to get out of bed for it, put a checkmark by it.

  • Make two columns and label column one "Shedding" and column two "Keeping." Go through each entry on your list and take inventory of the fruit it bears in your life (good and bad). Start dividing your list items into the two columns. Decide what you will allow to fall by the wayside and what you will keep and maybe make changes to.  Of course there will be things that drain you that you might not be able to eliminate right now, but are there changes you could make towards the ultimate purpose of keeping only those things in your life that are bearing fruit and producing more of what you want? Can you put that exhausting task in the “shedding column” and work towards removing it? Can you give more time to the things in the “keeping column?”

#2: Check in with your identity

We get to sit back and watch the seasons change with no effort on our part (besides raking up all those pesky leaves!, but in our own personal lives, change occurs with intention.

We have to make choices every day to create positive change in our lives,  daily dying to our flesh and emotions.  

Take a little personal inventory about who you are today. Are you the same person you were 5 years ago? 3 years ago? or even 1 year ago? Do you still struggle with the same sins? The same problems? Are you striving to achieve the same goals year after year, with little to no progress? Or can you write down the ways you have changed and the positive growth you have seen in your life?

We were designed to grow and change, so if you are not seeing much growth in your life, it's time to make a change. Do something different.

Possible suggestions:

  • Start a fast to pray intensely for guidance and clarity about what is hindering you from making progress. You could fast from food or choose something else (TV or internet) and set aside that time to pray.

  • Find a mentor or an accountability partner. Tell them your story and your heart for the changes you would like to see in your life. Be open to the truth and honest feedback. Remember the truth will set you free and who doesn't want to be free!

  • You could also hire a life coach! Someone who can listen and provide some clear strategy for the future, as well as hold you accountable for moving forward.

The purpose of this check in to make sure you are growing more into the person you were designed to be in Christ, who is your true identity. Your barometer to measure your identity is the word of God, so dive deep into Scripture as you seek change.

#3: Check in with your heart

Another characteristic of fall is the slight change in climate that leads up to winter, the coldest season of the year.  The cold of winter is caused by the axis of the earth in that hemisphere being oriented away from the sun.

But (can you see where I’m going?) we don’t want our hearts to grow cold or move further away from “the Son.” So the purpose of this exercise is to examine your heart.

Is your heart beginning to grow cold? Are you nursing a grudge or a bitter spirit even in some small way that is allowing you to spin  away from God or from the community of God?

Or maybe your heart has grown very cold. Have you turned away from God and grown bitter towards Him or any other person? Have you lost your passion for life and given up on things that were once important to you? Perhaps you're tired of watching big and exciting things happen for everyone else, and find yourself unhappy with the course your own life has taken.


Proverbs 4:23 says:

Guard your heart ABOVE ALL ELSE, for it determines the course of your life.


Sister, your heart determines the course of your life. Decide today that you will guard your heart.


  • Take inventory of your heart. Write down what is there that should not be there. What have you let in that you should have “guarded” or kept out. Maybe you feel like you cannot let go of something because it has been in there for so long. I encourage you to empty your heart of those things. Ask the Lord to help you where you feel stuck or stone cold. He longs to melt our ice cold hearts with His great love for us.


  • The goal here is to have a heart full of beauty in order to receive the beautiful things that are in store for you. Write down a few ways that you can purpose to keep your heart close to the Son even as the earth turns away from the sun.


I really hope this checkup exercise proves to be a valuable tool that you can use to evaluate your life. Maybe using these check-in’s will encourage you as you see how much growth you experience by this time next year.


Happy Fall my Friends!! As you watch for change in the air and change in your life, be sure to enjoy all the delights of this season! Spicy drinks, pumpkin treats and my favorite: oh-so-trendy coats, boots and scarves!


Tell me: What is your favorite part of Fall?

Did any of these check-ins shed some light on an issue in your life? Something you need help dealing with?

Feel free to get in touch or leave a comment below. I'll be over here with my cranberry bliss bar (it's almost time) and hot tea ready to hear from you.



When the Waters Rise

When I was a little girl, my grandfather picked my sister and me up from school every day. He did this year after year until I was able to drive myself.

Granddad went to be with the Lord almost 12 years ago now, but I am still instantly overcome with emotions when something reminds me of him. My heart and mind are flooded with the happy memories of being with him and mental pictures of our after-school routines. He would pick us up, stop at the corner store to buy us a bag of chips and sunflower seeds, and then take us to his little white house until my mom got off of work.

Grandad loved music and entertaining guests, so normal afternoons easily transformed into block parties. I know that I got my love for life, music, and dancing from him. The gift of all of the fun times with him will last my whole lifetime.

But not all of our afternoons were fun. In fact, one day our normal routine took a turn that is forever burned in my memory.

Rain had been falling all day when Granddad came to pick us up that fateful October day. A lot of the roads were starting to flood so he took an alternate route home. I remember that we had turned onto Costarides Street when our trip home was abruptly cut short.

Granddad thought he could drive through the giant puddles on Costarides Street but the waters were already rising too high, causing our car to come to a stop. The gas pedal stopped working.  We had nowhere to go.

Granddad turned to us and in his calm voice said “I guess we’ll sit here until the water subsides.”

“Ok Granddad,” we replied.

But soon the water started seeping into the car.

Again nonchalantly Granddad calmed us when he looked at our worried faces, “It’s going to be ok girls. It will stop soon.”

Five minutes later the water was pouring into the car. I could see no sign that it was stopping.

The water was almost up to my knees when I started panicking. I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I said, “Granddad, stay here. I’m going to pick Jessica up and get her out of the car since she is the shortest and then come back and get you.”

I was fifteen at the time, and I managed to open the door and lift my eleven year old sister from the car. But I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to do with her.

I heard someone calling me and I realized that there was a woman waving at us from the closest house. She was telling us to come in out of the rain.

Relieved, I took Jessica to the front door and then went to help Granddad out of the car.

By the time we were all in the house, we were completely soaked. It was a blessed relief to get to a warm, dry place.

That was over twenty years ago, but the message I took away from that day still rings loud and clear to me.

Maybe it will ring true to you too.

Sometimes God will allow the waters to rise in our lives in order to push us out of our places of comfort. He knows that we often get complacent in our normal routines, but instead of letting us just park our car and stay where we think we are safe, God will allow circumstances to come into our lives that make us get up and start walking.

Just as God opened a door to a warm, dry place for me and my family at the perfect time, He will open a door for you. But you must get up, put one foot in front of the other, and start walking.

Expect God to meet you no matter how much or how little faith you have.

Even if you feel like a failure.  

I would love to help you change your perspective. Will you let me?

Start to praise God for closed doors. Closed doors keep us from wasting energy on the wrong pursuits. This causes you to have to depend on God for direction and clarity.

My beautiful sister, God is so faithful. I want to encourage you to pray, to listen, then to start moving. I can’t wait to see what doors He opens for you.


Share your story


Can you think of a time that God used a normal day to teach you an invaluable lesson?

(I can’t wait to hear!)


Meditate on these Scriptures

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

                                                                     Proverbs 16:9


Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails

                                                                    Proverbs 19:21



In one of my all time favorite movies, Jennifer Lopez plays a girl named Slim.

Slim finds herself in an abusive relationship with a man who continues to chase her even after she leaves. She keeps running away and trying to start over, but he keeps finding her and dismantling her life no matter where she goes.

Finally (spoiler alert) Slim decides to take back her life instead of continuing to live as a victim on the run. At this point in the movie, I am always on my feet. It does not matter how many times I've watched it, I start cheering, punching my fist in the air and shouting, "Take that!" and "Get him!" and a few other choice obscenities, ahem, I mean, Godly words as I watch Slim rise up and fight for her life. The name of the movie is Enough.


I get it. What's the point in living if you have to be a slave to your circumstances and fears?

Slim had been through enough of waking up every day in fear and hiding behind disguises, only to be found again and beaten over and over.

The first time I watched the movie, I was a little impatient with Slim.I kept thinking, "When is she going to get fed up, stop running, and change the situation?"

I think maybe this is a little how God felt when the Israelites had been wandering in the desert for forty years. In Deuteronomy 1:6, He said to them: "You have dwelt long enough on this mountain."

I'll say that they had dwelt there long enough.

They took forty years to make what should have been an eleven day trip to Canaan, The Promise Land!


Now I could understand how 11 days could stretch to 40 days, but 40 that is absurd. Or is it? Of course we can look at the Israelites in disbelief as we judge them for wasting time on things that kept them from reaching the Promise Land. But what about us today? What about the promises of God to us?

Have you dwelt long enough on the same mountain? What in your life has you hostage? Are you ready to say "Enough!" to letting the enemy cause strife and tension in your home? Enough of waking up every morning not excited about life?

Enough of taking prescription antidepressants and anxiety medications, when maybe what you really need is a creative outlet to let your greatness out? Enough of believing the lies the enemy whispers to you every day? Enough of being fearful? Enough of hating your body? Skin color? Job? Or whatever it is that's keeping you from living your life, and reaching your Promise Land?

My friends it is time to kick some major butt and knock these things out of your life for good.Just like I'm on my feet cheering, fist bumping, and high-fiving Slim, and just as God used Moses to help the Israelites to reach their destination, I'm cheering you on!

Sister, It's time to stop running and face your "giants." Don't be like the Israelites and complain day and night about your situation because it looks dim. The God of the universe is with you and has given you everything you need.

2 Peter 1:3 says: "By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence."

You have heard this before. Will you do what we so often do when we read a powerful word that speaks to us and our situation? We get inspired for a moment, but then continue to do things the same way we've always done them?

Or is today the day you say, "Enough."

You have a beautiful destination on the other side of your victory.

What is it you want to say "Enough" to?

Hit reply and tell me. Make your declaration (loud with passion).

I will be cheering you on! "That-a girl! Get em."