
Are Your Thoughts Working for or Against You? (Video + Blog)

Hey friend,

There’s a popular quote by Henry Ford that says, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.” As with most popular quotes, when I hear them, I immediately think of the bible verse that correlates with the quote. This is because no matter how much the world wants to think it is original, nothing is new under the sun. Meaning most of the sought-after thought leaders are really just taking pieces from the Bible, whether they realize it or not.

This Henry Ford quote is merely a variation of the scripture found in Proverbs 23:7 that says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

Both the quote and the scripture are correct. Whatever you think is what you are. But it doesn’t just stop there. You see, your thoughts are just one component of a powerful trio, and I guarantee you, if you begin to activate all three components of this trio, your life will shift.

Friend, I didn’t say your life may shift; I said your life will shift if you become diligent about getting these three areas in alignment with the word of God.

Those three areas are:

  • Your thoughts

  • Your heart

  • Your words

 The scripture says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. However, the heart does not have the capability to think; only the mind can think, which means that your thoughts and your heart are connected. That’s why the Bible says (paraphrasing) above anything else you set out to do, guard your heart because it determines the course of your life.

That means no matter how much you pray, no matter how much you fast, and no matter what type of affirmations you speak over your life, none of that will matter if you don’t guard your heart against the contamination coming to disrupt God’s plan for your life. This is because whatever is going on in your mind is a direct reflection of what is going on in your heart, and eventually, what is going on in your heart will begin to come out through your words.

For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45. And that’s it…once you speak curses over your life; your life obeys what you say. You shape your future by the words you speak.

That’s why the enemy works so hard to get us to thinking crazy, fearful thoughts by using circumstances from the past because he knows that if he can get your thoughts and your heart messed up, your words will follow, and his work is done.

To be frank, friend, I’m tired of his rusty bald-headed tail, trying the same ole tried and true tactics to keep us from reaching our purpose. I say no more. Getting this revelation of how this trio can either make or break my life has been instrumental in me moving the needle forward instead of always feeling like I’m moving backwards.

Now I want to share this revelation in a way that I pray moves you forward too. In this video, titled, Negative thoughts/evil forebodings, I explain;

  • how this trio either works for or against you

  • I go over the positive pattern and negative pattern model to help you learn to switch your thoughts around to work in your favor

  • I give three practical and powerful tips to help you gain control of your thoughts

  • And lastly, I share a powerful analogy to demonstrate how your thoughts can take you to a destination that is far from God’s original plan.

Friend, it’s time to get your mind right because you have places to go and important work to do. I believe this video will be the catalyst you need to start (or continue) moving in the right direction.

Until next time my friend,





Book Announcement! Read if You Struggle with Anxiety.

“Tell your story ~ Live your passion ~ Change your world”

Hey Friend,

Today is officially in the running for one of the most exciting days of my life. I cannot even wrap my brain around what I am getting ready to share. 

But you know I have to give a little context first. So, will you indulge me for just a second?!

Years ago I heard this quote while watching television: “Tell your story ~ Live your passion ~ Change your world.” I quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote it down, because it resonated with me so much. I knew that someday I would live this out loud, but that’s all I knew. 

At that time I was still living every single day with debilitating anxiety, and I honestly didn’t know if I would ever know what it felt like to live life without anxiety. 

But I held on to hope. That hope was found in the living word of God and in an inner knowing that God would never waste my pain. So, I am beyond humbled and completely outdone at what God has done with my story and with my life.. 

My pain has become my platform and I can’t believe I am about to say this, but even if I can help just a handful of people overcome anxiety, then it was worth all those days of struggling with anxiety. 

So, without further ado I would like to announce that today I am officially releasing my FIRST book:  Peace Stealers: 21 Reasons Why You’re Anxious, Why It Matters, and What to Do About it!

You may be asking, out of all the books on anxiety, Tiffany, why did you write this book? And I am so glad you asked. I have read many books on anxiety and I have studied this subject extensively, and although most books were helpful to some degree, none of them simplified this complex issue in a way that solved my problem. With anxiety being the most common of all mental disorders, affecting 1 in 13 people, the factor I refer to as “peace stealers” is usually left out of the conversation, so I wrote this book in order to expose and bring to light this concept of “peace stealers.” I realized that the majority of those suffering from anxiety (like myself) did not have a chemical imbalance, but they had imbalances in their everyday lives and in their environments that were contributing to their anxiety. 

The most alarming thing is that most people are unaware of the purpose of these peace stealers in their life. Because everything has a purpose in life, negatively and positively, you have to investigate who sent what, and I can guarantee you that your anxiety was not sent by God. 

The peace stealers’ sole objective is to cripple your calling and poison your purpose. If you want to get to the bottom of discovering the peace stealers unleashed in your life, this book will help you to do just that. If you, or anyone you know is suffering with anxiety in any capacity, I wrote this book for you. 

You don’t have to live with anxiety another day, Friend. It’s time to discover the 21 reasons why you’re anxious, why it matters, and what to do about it!

You can order the book here.

Thank you for celebrating with me, Friend, and just know that God will never waste your pain. The mess in your life can become your message and when you tell your story, and begin to live your passion (because God delivered you and you want to see others delivered), you will change your world and the world of so many others.

That’s my deepest desire, that your world is changed through the words on the pages of this book. Order your copy here.

Until next time,
