Answering Your Questions: How Do We Surrender?

Hello friends,

Today I am answering a great question I received in an Instagram comment:

How do we know when we have fully surrendered things to God?

In my experience, surrendering has been a process of letting go of what I wanted for my life and embracing the Lord's will for me. Before I truly surrendered I kept trying to knock down doors that just would not open. I would pray for God to direct my steps, and then get frustrated when things did not work out. I didn't realize that by closing doors, God was actually answering my prayers asking Him to direct my steps.

I stopped becoming frustrated with dead ends when I finally was

able to say (and mean) these words: "Lord, I don't care what I want anymore. Your will is what's best for me."

I continue to pray for guidance, clarity, and direction, but I am no longer committed to my version of “success.” Instead I look to God to show me the next step on the path.

So to answer your question, I think you know that you have surrendered when you are no longer frustrated if things don't work out according to your plan. You have confidence in all circumstances because you know that God is directing your steps. Also, instead of going along with your normal schedule, you ask Him to show you the way, and you simply flow with Him.

I'm not sure what season you are currently in. You may be experiencing a season of opened doors and opportunities falling in your lap, or you may still be in the waiting season, standing on God’s promises for what seems like eternity. If you are experiencing the latter, just know that you must surrender your vision and your life to Him. It's okay to have dreams, but those dreams can't have you. They can't have your peace. Your Joy. Your life. If you find that you can't be happy until you have "it," then "it" may never happen. Surrender it today and start enjoying your life while you're waiting on His perfect plan for you. The right door will open to you in the Lord’s time and not a minute before.

I am not saying it is easy, but I know from experience that it is the way to peace. Surrender.

Until next time my lovely friends,



I've been thinking a lot about you and how I can serve you better in this virtual space.  It is my intention to not only inspire you with these emails, but to impact your life in a tangible way. Inspiration is wonderful, but it does not last very long. I'm sure you get tons of emails filled with inspirational feel good messages. There is nothing wrong with that, but if inspiration was enough, we'd all be living out our dreams.

So I promise that I will not write to you just for the sake of writing, but I will always wait until I feel I have something valuable to say. The funny thing is I always have something to say, but a lot of times I have to sit with the information until I can put it into the right words for you. The reason I'm letting you in on my process is that I want to know more of where you are in life right now so I can give you more of what you are needing and wanting. I want to know your frustrations and your concerns. What are you most excited about right now? What would you really like to change, and why? Also, feel free to ask me any questions you may have. I promise to answer every one of them.

So hit reply and tell me all about you. I really want to hear from you. So c'mon don't be shy :)