
The Danger of Doubt (Blog + Video)

Hey Friend,

 Have you ever heard some good news and thought to yourself, “This is too good to be true?”

As much as you want to believe, have you ever been afraid to get your hopes up (AGAIN)? The reason I ask is that I know personally how excruciating it can be to put your trust in something or someone after being let down time and time again.

As much as we know intellectually that we live in a fallen world full of flawed humans, we still long to put our faith into something that will not disappoint us.

Because we live in a fallen world with fallen people, disappointment is inevitable. Now friend, I am sure this isn’t news to you because like me, I am sure you have been let down by someone before. I don’t really need to elaborate on the fact that people are fickle and untrustworthy at times. So, I want to approach this differently.

As Christians, we are referred to as believers. We believe in God. We believe in Jesus and in His resurrection, but what I find to be ironic- is just how little we believe in the words of the God we serve when it comes to our own lives.

Because if we are honest, sometimes it feels as if God has disappointed us too, and when we begin to feel this way, it is easy for unbelief to seep in and contaminate our faith.

And no matter how much we try to normalize doubt, as a believer, without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Knowing this makes all the difference because if we do not please God, who are we pleasing when doubt becomes a constant companion?

Continuing our video series based on my book, Peace Stealers; today we are dealing with the peace stealer of unbelief and why it is dangerous for a believer to live with doubt.

In this short video, titled, “The danger of unbelief,” I explained why we cannot casually entertain doubt, and I offer practical steps to help you eliminate this peace stealer from your life to experience answered prayer and the stability available for you.

I pray it is a blessing to you.


Until next time my friend.
