New Year Wishes + My one word for 2018!

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Happy New Year!

Hey friend,

I wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! And leave a few nuggets with you as we celebrate a brand-new year!

I’m sure by now you have probably heard a few declarations and prophecies about the New Year, and hopefully you are excited and full of expectation about what 2018 will bring.

I must say, I feel something this year that is a bit different than most of the rest. I don’t usually buy into the corporate “this is your season for breakthrough,” or “this year God is going to do X, Y, and Z” hype, because let’s be real, we can’t all be in the exact same season.

However, don’t get me wrong, I totally believe in being hopeful and full of faith, but I also know that God won’t move until He is ready. So, no matter how loud the preacher yells, screams, sweats, and declare about this being our year, it won’t mean a thing, or come to pass until the predetermined time.

So while we wait, we believe God’s timing and PREPARE for what we’ve been believing Him for.

Friend, 2018 will depend on you.

Your level of preparation will determine your readiness to receive and walk into the next season of your life.

This is a word I received personally from the Lord. And I believe it is the same for many of you too. Many of you have been in a "dark cave" for many years. You have only a flicker of hope left, and if this year isn’t different from all the rest, you don’t know how much longer you can believe.

Let me encourage you, sis. You have come too far to turn back now. So, grab ahold of every ounce of faith you can muster up and begin to declare and decree 2018 to not be just another year, but declare it to be THE year everything changes for you.

Whatever you speak over yourself this year will come to pass- good or bad- so speak blessings. Prepare. Then Aim.

Speaking of AIMING, I spent a few days journaling and reflecting on 2017-the highs and the lows. I also wrote out specific goals and focal points for 2018. Fourteen pages later, I was able to decide on my one word for 2018. My one word is AIM.

Here's why;

2016 was a year of stepping out on faith for me. I just wanted to finally start using the gifts I had been sitting on. (side note: there is a message in that last sentence to just START. Start whatever the Lord is tugging on your heart to do. You may not see the full picture but you won't figure it out by waiting on perfect).

Carrying on...

In 2017 I was still trying to figure things out by throwing darts and seeing what stuck.

Which brings me to 2018, which I'm declaring to be the year to AIM. To pinpoint my (specific) goal, aim all my efforts and pursuits toward the goal, then shoot.

After I decided on my one word, I then came up with an acronym for AIM that I could apply to each goal on my list to erase any confusion and uncertainty about what I'm aiming for (which I experienced a lot of last year).

For each goal that I aim for this year I will first:

God for clear vision and direction on what his will is in regards to my goal(s) (RIP to directionless shooting). Ask him to help me when I don’t know what to do, or how to do it, instead of worrying myself about it.

Then be…

about slowing down to listen and wait for an answer and solution to help me reach my goal or solve the problem.

And lastly…

Move quickly and swiftly when I believe I’ve heard from Him. Not giving myself time to question whether I really heard him or not, time to procrastinate, or time to second guess myself. But to take action immediately.

I’m so excited about my word that I just had to share it with you. I have put my word in every place I frequently visit throughout the house, including the refrigerator. And if you wanna hear something husband opened the refrigerator a few moments ago and said “why do I see the word AIM in the fridge? What am I trying to aim, at the toilet?” (insert hand over forehead emoji). That man always has a joke.

But seriously,my hope is that me sharing my word with you, will inspire you to aim for your biggest & brightest dreams this year, and I also hope it will encourage you to even come up with your own word (if you haven’t already).

But don’t stop there, once you decide on your word, paste it everywhere to keep it in front of you at all times (try this and see how much it helps you stay focused).

And don’t forget that 2018 will depend on Y-O-U. So take this first week to figure out your strategy and then aim everything you do towards your goal. Make it a great year my friend.

Rooting for you always,
